Exploring Consciousness through Liminal Dreaming by Jennifer Dumpert and Cinematic Dream Sequences by Mary Wild

Exploring Consciousness through Liminal Dreaming by Jennifer Dumpert and Cinematic Dream Sequences by Mary Wild


Date: Sunday, August 21
Time: 2 pm EDT

PLEASE NOTE: This lecture will be recorded and available for free for our Patreon members at $5/month and above. Become a Member HERE.

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Exploring Consciousness through Liminal Dreaming
Jennifer Dumpert

In the space between waking and sleep, you pass through the zones of liminal dreaming, hypnagogia and hypnopompia, where the mind meanders between daytime awareness and the depths of the dream. We all possess the ability to maintain waking, rational mind while sinking into the free associative, kaleidoscopic realms of the unconscious mind. Yet few of us develop this powerful tool for exploring consciousness. In this talk, author Jennifer Dumpert will describe the remarkable mind states of hynagogia and hypnopompia and will offer practical exercises for accessing and lingering in these remarkable liminal dream states for the purposes of consciousness exploration, creativity, problem solving, and mental healing and balance.

Cinematic Dream Sequences
Mary Wild

Sigmund Freud famously said that dreams are the royal road to the unconscious. The ideas he put forward on dream analysis can be directly applied to film interpretation. In this talk, cinematic dream sequences will be explored, in which the spectator is compelled to take on an investigative role, sifting through manifest film content to uncover subjective associations and latent meaning. The proposition is that an active engagement with film as a projective test renders moving image as a “dreamwork” to be unpicked and interpreted.

Films discussed: Lost Highway (1997) dir. David Lynch, Paprika (2006) dir. Satoshi Kon, Surviving Life (2010) dir. Jan Švankmajer

About the speakers:

Jennifer Dumpert is a San Francisco-based writer and lecturer. She is the author of Liminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep and the founder of the Oneironauticum, an international organization that explores the use of oneirogens—anything that promotes vivid dreams, like herbs, roots, and foods—and the phenomenological experience of dreams as a means of experimenting with mind. She also teaches the practice of Liminal Dreaming, which entails surfing the edges of consciousness using hypnagogic and hypnopompic dreams, the mind states between waking and sleep.

Jennifer has lectured and led workshops at festivals, conferences, and venues worldwide. She has also authored numerous pieces about varied aspects of dream work and consciousness. You can read selected pieces and watch videos of presentations at Jennifer’s website. www.liminaldreaming.com. Jennifer posts a daily dream to Twitter as @OneiroFer, and has been doing so since January, 2009.

Mary Wild is the creator of the PROJECTIONS lecture series at Freud Museum London, applying psychoanalysis to film interpretation. Mary co-hosts the Projections Podcast, contributes to The Evolution of Horror Podcast, and produces exclusive content on Patreon.

The Psychoanalysis, Art & the Occult series of events, curated by Dr. Vanessa Sinclair and Carl Abrahamsson, is dedicated to exploring the intersections and integration of psychoanalytic theory, the creative arts, occult practices, and folk magic traditions. By inviting psychoanalysts, philosophers, artists, writers, and occult practitioners from a variety of theoretical orientations and worldviews to discuss their work, personal experiences, and areas of research interest with one another, dialogue is opened up between practitioners in fields of study that traditionally rarely engage with one another though often operate in similar and complementary ways.